Major Due Dates / Deadlines -
IA Rough Draft: 3/23
IA Final Draft: 3/30
General Overview: Internal Assessments (IAs) form 20% of your overall grade in this course, with the other 80% determined by your results on the IB chemistry exam:
------------------------------------ IB Exam -------------------------------------
IA (Investigation) Paper 1 (MC) Paper 2 (FR) Paper 3 (Options)
20% 20% 40% 20%
So, what is an IA? In essence, the IA is a student created research project. More importantly, you have the opporunity to explore a topic of your own choosing!
- Choose a topic which interests you.
- Research that topic and form a focused question.
- Consider the variables and design an experiment targeting your question.
- Collect experimental data, analyze it, and revise your design as needed.
- Interpret your results and attempt to answer the question.
- Write a 6-12 page report summarizing your data, design, and conclusions.